sundays with jo
sundays with jo

Sundays with Jo has been an idea for quite some time. The kitchen has always been a special place for me. My family hails from the beautiful and culturally rich Republica Dominicana. I was raised in Washington Heights, New York; a community that reflected the vibrant roots of my family history. One of my favorite aspects of Dominican culture is the importance that is placed on food and family, and that comes together in the kitchen! Throughout my up bringing, the kitchen (no matter what home we were in) was the center of all the action. The living room was nice, but la cocina was where we were happiest in. Memories full of laughter, tasting food, making messes, stoves full of simmering and sizzling pots and pans. It’s no wonder that I was drawn to the kitchen at an early age.

And so here we are, years later, still learning from my mom and grandma; keeping the culture alive! While also exploring other cuisines, because food is universal. The kitchen has nurtured my creative and curious mind, and I am always up for trying something new! Some of the recipes I will be sharing with you are my own, and some are from other lovely culinary minds.

Join me in the cocina and let’s create some Sunday magic!

Sundays are . . .

/ sacred days, full of worship and love.

/ meant for reflection.

/ days of indulgence and self care.

/ for brunching with the buds.

/ for cozy mornings spent indoors.

/ for breakfast in bed.

They are the perfect days to try something new, share a meal, cook for your loved ones or simply unwind.